Practice Past Simple Tense
Further Revision

My wife for friends to join us climbing amountain called Kráľova Hoľa. On the day of our climb, we up to a beautiful sunny morning. Our friends, Michael and Biba, us up at 7.00 a.m.and we travelled the short distance to the mountain. We were all excited and I to myself, "This is going to be easy. I feel fit and strong and this mountain is only 1000 metres or 3000 feet high. Easy." I was wrong. The mountain is actually 1946 metres high which is 6385 feet!
We off well, climbing steadily through the forest. On the top of Kráľova Hoľa, there is a weather station and a huge television mast. As we open ground, it to me that the television mast was still a long way off. We on passing people picking cranberries on the steep slopes. We on and on and on. My legs were aching and my heart was beating fast. I hot and sweating. The weather station slowly closer until finally after a last big effort we the top.
Phew! I so tired. On the summit of the mountain we and our lunch and drank lots of water. The views were beautiful. In the distance we see the High Tatra mountains, their summits with snow.
Soon it time to go down. My wife and I had thought that climbing up the hill was hard but coming down was even worse. My tired legs and my knees as we down the steep slopes. We to get down to the village quickly so that we could catch a bus back to where we had parked our car. By the time we had slipped and stumbled down the hill and through the forest we both completely exhausted.
Eventually, we reached the village. The bus was late so we time to go into a local bar for a cold beer or two.
Later that night, lying in bed, I that every part of my body but it had been worth it. I asleep smiling and thinking about our wonderful day on 'King Bald Mountain.'
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